Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Radically assert your position in the market with branding strategy.

Branding is a marketing practice that helps people distinguish between your company’s products or services and others.
Your brand is not only your logo, your name or your slogan.
It’s all about your prospects and customers’ experience with your business, product or service. Branded businesses tend to grow rapidly and derive significant market value early in the process.

We the digitalItHub seamlessly links consumer behaviours, beliefs, trends, and time to the core skills of your business, while making competitors irrelevant.

Your brand strategy sets out what you represent, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. Your brand lives more in the everyday interaction you have with your market:

  • The images you convey
  • The messages you post on your website, proposals or campaigns.
  • The manner in which your employees interact with customers.
  • A customer’s opinion of you in relation to your competitors.
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What makes brand positioning important?

Brand positioning enables a business to stand out from its competitors. This differentiation leads to an increase in brand awareness, communicate the value and justify the prices, all of which have an impact on the net result.

However, all brand positioning strategies are not identical or have different objectives. Depending on your product, your department and your business, your positioning and your verbiage will vary. Here are some shared positioning strategies that can help you get started.

Key Advantages of a Strong Brand Strategy

Increased appeal and differentiation.

Your brand serves as a magnet, attracting prospective customers for your offerings. Buyers see a greater difference between your offer and those of your competitors and act on your behalf.

Enhanced customer loyalty and retention.

Your brand works like glue, connecting customers to your brand so they stay with you, grow up with you and tell others about your brand. It assists you in identifying your best customers and directing special efforts against them. There is far more return on investment to keep an existing client than recruiting a new one, and a strong brand idea can optimize your marketing budget.

Employee mobilization and alignment.

Your brand is like a Northern Star that your employees follow. Therefore, employees feel more engaged, work harder to ensure your brand's success and become excellent brand ambassadors. And when recruits experience the energy of your brand and see the results your workplace generates, they are more likely to join your company.

DigitalItHub's Brand Strategy Key Concepts & Steps.

Before working on your brand strategy, we ensure we identify your competitive positioning strategy – your brand strategy will implement it.
If you have a branding strategy, we make sure it works as effectively as possible. We survey your clients, employees and suppliers by performing a brand audit. Do they feel consistent with your strategy? If not, we will work on areas where you can improve.
We shape your brand around emotional benefits. We list your product or service's characteristics and benefits. A feature is an attribute – a colour, a setup; an advantage is what this feature does for the customer.
Identify the most significant benefits for each of your customer segments. Identify the emotional benefits – the strongest brand strategies draw on emotions, even among business buyers.
Explore the emotional benefits and narrow them down to something your customers should be thinking about when they think about you. This is what your brand should stand for.
Define your brand identity, history and positioning statements. We Write positioning statements and a story about your brand; use that brand across your corporate documents.
Choose colours, fonts and other visuals that fit your personality and create your business identity. Determine how your employees will interact with potential customers and customers to pass on personality and ensure that your brand "lives" in your business.

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